Die Karte entstand hauptsächlich, weil mein Freund mit zwei Stempelsets hinzukam und meinte: “Mache doch was daraus!” Gesagt, getan. Eventuell machen wir das zu unserer kleinen privaten Challenge. Er sucht die Materialien und ich gestalte etwas daraus. Wer mitmachen will, läßt am Besten auch mal den Partner wählen. Ich würde mich sehr freuen, die Resultate zu sehen!

This card was made of two sets of stamps, which my boyfriend chose for me. It was his idea and we both liked the result, so we will make it a little private challenge for the both of us. He will chose the supplies and I’ll make something out of it. If anyone of you likes to join, we would be very happy to see, what your partner chose and what you made out of it. Tell me in the comments, I’m very curious about it!

Utensilien/ Supplies: